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NOW LIVE! Podcast Episode 426: Day 9: How my Competitor Made Me $$$!

Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode:NOW LIVE! Podcast Episode 426: Day 9: How my Competitor Made Me $$$!

Who Are YOU to Be Selling or Teaching Something?

Uncategorized Aug 21, 2017

Is there a hobby or interest you’re passionate about? Is it something you can’t stop talking about? Do friends or family ask your advice about that subject? If so, then you can and you MUST teach it to others!

If you’re hesitant to take your knowledge to those who need it, you have to ask yourself, why?

Why are you waiting for permission?

No public figure or mayor of the Internet is ever going to come down and charge you with the task of creating a signature program. When I started my business teaching video marketing to online entrepreneurs almost a decade ago, nobody gave me permission. I had a vision, a dream for what I wanted to do. But it was more than that. I wanted to help other entrepreneurs succeed, too.

And you can do the same. You don’t need my permission, though. You don’t need anyone’s permission except your own. Just screw up your courage and GO FOR IT!

Who are you NOT to be an expert?

Being an expert doesn’t mean knowing everything about everything. It doesn’t mean having a fancy degree from some Ivy League school or even having a bestselling book. It’s about having the ability to help someone else achieve results.

If you can help someone get started on Snapchat, show them how to make a video, or teach them anything else that you know and they don’t – then you are an authority.

Get Paid for Your Knowledge – No Matter Your Level of Expertise!

At one time, I was a broke bartender with a passion for online video. I started with the knowledge I had and learned the skills I needed as I went along. I didn’t wait until I knew everything about digital marketing before I began.

I built my business and my life around helping other people succeed. The result? I have a seven-figure business that has given me the financial freedom to do anything I want when I want to do it. And I'm not the only one.

Motivational speaker and bestselling author Tony Robbins developed audio, video and live seminar training programs that have helped more than fifty million people worldwide succeed in their business and personal lives. But he didn't start at the top. After promoting seminars for famed motivational speaker Jim Rohn and learning Neuro-Linguistic Programming, he went on to develop his own signature programs and give his own seminars. He didn't wait until he knew everything, though. He simply added concepts as he learned them.

Brian Tracy has devoted his professional career to helping people achieve their business and professional goals in the quickest way possible. He has addressed more than five million people worldwide and written and produced more than 300 audio and video training programs. To help him help others, he has studied business, economics, history, philosophy, and psychology. He is a perpetual learner who, like Tony, adds new concepts as he discovered them.

Even though these men didn't know everything about everything in their fields, they taught what they knew to people who needed to learn it. And that was enough to make them successful and wealthy, and it's enough for you.

You can start from wherever you are. And you can get paid to do it. No matter who you think you are or aren’t right now, there are still others who are dying to be at your level, dying to know what you know, dying to have the same knowledge that you probably take for granted every day.

Are you going to deny potential customers that same experience simply because you’re afraid you’re not good enough? Or are you going to start focusing on the good you can do? It’s time for you to put yourself out there and say these three magic words:


And then do it.

Watch my video for more inspiration and advice on this topic.

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